Temporary Meeting Planners

Tem•po•rar•y Mee•ting Plan•ners /tem-puh-rer-ee mee-ting plan-ers/– noun: 1. Experienced meeting professionals hired on a short term basis to work either at an office or remotely to plan and coordinate meetings, conferences, conventions, trade shows, and all other types of events. 2. Professionals that can come in and quickly get up to speed and help with the workload. 3. A member or colleague of GCG Event Partners carefully selected, using your criteria to step into your team, either in person or virtually, to manage, coordinate, or plan meetings and events. – Synonyms: Temporary Meeting Managers, Temporary Meeting Coordinators, Project Basis Meeting Planners –Related Forms: Temporary Event Planner

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What is the Role of a Temporary Meeting Planner?

The term “Temporary Meeting Planner” can be used in a few different ways. In some cases it describes someone that joins a meeting planning team as a short term solution for a busy season, a staffing shortage or any number of other reasons. Other times it is used to describe someone that goes onsite and manages or assists at a live event. It can also be used to describe someone hired as an independent contractor to plan and manage a specific event for an individual or company.  Whichever type of Temporary Meeting Planner you might be looking for, you’ll want to be sure they have the right qualifications.

Can Remote Planners Assist Our Meeting Planning Team?

A professional joining an existing meeting or event planning team on a short term basis is probably the most traditional definition of Temporary Meeting Planner. Whether you need help organizing, scheduling, or planning event, you’ll want a skilled professional with the right background to step in.

Finding Meeting Planners with the right skills is a little easier these days with the rise of remote work. Instead of finding someone who can drive to your office, GCG has a network of thousands of meeting professionals across the country that we can search for the best candidtates.

How Do You Find Onsite Meeting Planners For A Live Event?

There are two different routes you can take when looking for an Onsite Event Professional for a live event. You can either use an agency to find the event staff for you or you can search for them on your own. Using an agency eliminates a lot of the cumbersome tasks like searching through resumes and interviewing.

When working with GCG Event Partners we will listen to your specific needs for each event and hand-pick local professionals with the right qualifications. On top of that we ensure all regulations for using independent contractors are followed, handle workers’ comp and liability insurance, and take care of any issues with making payments to independent contracts in different states.

Does GCG Event Partners Handle Meeting Planning?

GCG’s area of expertise is providing Meeting Professionals to our clients for various roles. As a company we don’t get get into the planning of events. However, we do have a network of thousands of meeting and event professionals across the country. When provided with a detailed description of your event’s needs, we can connect you with Meeting Planners that are able to assist you.

What Separates GCG From Other Staffing Agencies?

GCG specializes in the Meetings and Events Industry and the members of our network are all experienced. GCG Professionals have a minimum of 3 years of experience, but average over a decade of experience in the industry. We hand-select the professionals for every role after listening to our clients needs and we ensure all rules and regulations for working with independent contractors are followed. Our success is tied to your event’s success.

While running Professional Meeting Planners, a full-service meeting planning company, GCG’s founder, Lori Gershaw, noticed the need for an organization that focused on the timely delivery of on-demand Meeting and Event Professionals. Professional Meeting Planners was dissolved and GCG Event Partners was formed to fill this need. As opposed to traditional staffing agencies which had staff with varying backgrounds and covered any industry, GCG focused solely on meetings and events and only used staff with the corresponding backgrounds. To this day, GCG stays focused on providing skilled, on-demand temporary meeting professionals. Learn more about GCG Event Partners.

Professional, Experienced Meeting Planners

Your ideal candidate will come from an extensive network of qualified professionals, and their experience comes from just about every segment of the meeting planning industry.

Our placement team only connects you with Meeting Planners after learning all of your requirements.

Pre-Screened Members with a Track Record of Success

Every meeting professional is pre-screened to ensure they meet GCG Event Partners professional standards.

We continuously review and monitor our members to make sure that they have a track record of success. All this ensures that you are partnered with the most qualified meeting planners.

Dedicated Team Caring for You and Your Needs

You can take comfort in knowing that our team is very experienced filling roles with reliable Meeting Planners nationwide.

We take the time to understand  your specific needs so that your dedicated GCG Event Partners Placement Specialist will carefully match your plans and goals with the ideal candidate.

Did You Know?

Lori, our President, started out as a teacher.

Did You Know?

Allan, our Vice President, is a home improvement specialist and can fix almost any problem you might find in a house.

Did You Know?

Lori, our President, was a ski bum in Breckenridge, Colorado just before launching her Meeting Planning business.

Did You Know?

Michelle, our Placement Services Manager, loves boating with her family.

Did You Know?

Our staff really enjoy working at GCG Event Partners. The average tenure is currently 10.5 years!